The Deep Blue
The color of the Space, the Galaxy, the Universe. The Unknown, the Unexplored, the Unexpected. Sometimes frightening, yet magnificent.
The triangle
The symbol of Strength. In honor of Opportunity Rover, also known as Mars Exploration Rover, that ended its mission in 2018. At the almost same time it landed on Mars, we began developing our technology. Once only imagined, now became possible. The Mars Revolution is here.
The White
The color of Snow, Ice, the Antartica, the South Pole. The extreme weather conditions that allowed us to test our technology, and to come at the brink of the 22nd century. The place on Earth that showed us the Possibilities.
The Gold
The color of the Opportunities not to be missed. The Success, the Achievements, the Quality. The Martian Dust, the Rush towards the new Era. The Mars Era.
The name of the Base on Mars. Symbolically stands for: Landco Waste To Energy (20)21.